
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Village

I have a village.  My village is large.  It spreads from coast to coast.  It crosses oceans and continents. I am blessed to have this village of support.  They say it takes a village to raise a child and that village is curing me and helping me raise my daughter.  If I am seen as strong, it is because of my village behind me.  It is my stepmom who has always welcomed and cared for my daughter and me.  It is my aunt who takes me on walks, doctor's appointments and shopping. It is the many, many meals family and friends have bought and cooked with love.  It is the care packages and greeting cards that show up randomly and bring a smile to my face.  It is the old friends that have reconnected and the new friends who have become like family. My village is vast and strong.  

As I walk into the doctor's office for my next chemo treatment this week, I don't walk in alone.  I walk in with hundreds of people behind me, with countless greetings of love and prayers. Even when I am worried and scared, I never feel lonely.  I have never felt this supported in my life.

THANK YOU for being being part of my village.  

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