
Monday, May 9, 2016

She is learning life lessons

May 2016

My daughter is only 2 and she is building her vocabulary, but already I can tell from her words the life lessons she is learning.

"Don't Worry Dada, Mama got it." 
That's right baby, no matter what the task, if it is for you, I got it!  Rest assured I will work hard to never let you down.  And if I do, I will make it up to you! :) Mama got it!

"A skunk is yuck."
Well, yes, this is true.  It is best to stay away from skunks.

"I beautiful" and "I so pretty"
You are beautiful, pretty and fabulous!!!!!! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise

"Dada and grandma and grandpa love me." 
You are loved my baby girl.  You are loved by people who have never met you and by those who see you every day.  I hope you will always love yourself as much as we love you!

"I had a good day."
May your life be a series of good days strung together.

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