
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Life is full of barbaric customs." --Vada Sultanfuss

With so much serious stuff going on, I’d like to take the time to think about something a little more normal.  You know, a good controversy to debate.  No one loves a good debate more than me.  Are you ready for this one? …EAR PIERCING.  I know who would have thought.  As a Latina, ear piercing my baby seemed like the natural thing to do.  It’s just what you do in my culture and in my family.  But, now as an educated Latina, I’m learning it isn’t that simple. 

My husband is against ear piercing.  He feels like it is a body mutilation that should be our baby’s choice, when she is old enough and ready to make that decision.  He does not understand why anyone would want to put his or her baby through any unnecessary pain.  He also feels like you are permanently changing her body, and that is not a choice we should make for her.   I have to say, this is a very feminist view.  One that I completely understand, and wish I could agree with, but just can’t seem to get passed my cultural upbringing. 

Ear piercing is just something that happens when a baby girl is born in my family.  For many years in my life I thought it was normal until I saw my friends in school who didn’t have their ears pierced.  All girls in my family got their ears pierced as babies and little baby diamonds for their ears.  I assume the same is true in my husband’s family, because his aunt already bought the baby little earrings.  My husband says he will let our daughter pierce her ears when she asks for it.  But I think, of course she will ask for it.  Her mama has pierced ears, her aunties, and her cousins do too.  She will ask and then she will remember the pain.  If she doesn’t like earrings when she’s older, she doesn’t have to wear them. 

I compare it to baptism.  I don’t think a baby is born with original sin.  I don’t think a baby has sin, but baptism is more a cultural thing you do.  You get your baby blessed.  You pour a little cold water on them, and they cry.  It isn't nice, but it is tradition.  I know that there is nothing that lasts forever in this ceremony, but it was the closest example I could come up with. 

All I keep thinking of is the movie “My Girl 2.”   “It’s a totally barbaric custom.” But I love it! What do you think?  Piercing a baby’s ears, mutilation or a tradition?  

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, Cristina! I lean in favor of piercing her ears earlier than later. I see it comparable to receiving injections. It is simple and quick with short term discomfort afterwards. Any risk of infection is minimal at best. Teething will be more difficult. I haven't met a girl that hasn't liked her pierced ears.
