
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Signed, The Mother of a Really Awesome Daughter

There was a lot I never thought about before I had a daughter, like "why are the 'boy' easy-ups Thomas the Engine?"  My daughter has a Thomas bed, she loves Thomas (and James and Percy).  Pampers received an unhappy email from me.  Below is my latest email to Thomas and Friends Wooden Railway.  Maybe it is a big deal, maybe it isn't, but I'm going to fight for my baby girl!  I hope she won't even know there was ever an issue and by the time she is old enough, she won't notice the lack of girls on a website of toys she would love. 

All of the models under apparel are boys.  I found only one picture on your entire website of a girl.  

My daughter LOVES Thomas & Friends. Toys should be gender neutral.  This is 2015.  Consider this the "memo" if you haven't received it before, and please fix this, before she is old enough to notice (which means immediately).  I'm sure she is not the only girl that is a Thomas fan.  

Thank you,
The Mother of a Really Awesome Daughter

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Saddened, but reminded to be inspired

This is a great loss to the nation & I'm deeply saddened by this. Professor Julian Bond was an adjunct professor at AU. I didn't take his class, but I met with him on the suggestion of another professor for a paper I was working on. I did not truly understand who I was talking to at the time, but I left that meeting inspired. There was one take away from that meeting that I was remembering just last week. He strongly encouraged me to write a book and tell the story of my grandparents. I think NOW might be the time to get started on that project. Their story, the history that Julian Bond was a part of, this is the history I want my daughter to know & keep with her as she travels through life. 

Thank you Professor, for doing your part to make this world a better place. Thank you for your encouragement & inspiration. Thank you for believing in a Latina from Wheeling. Thank you for educating and living what you preached. May you rest in peace. #JulianBond

Julian Bond poses for a portrait in Washington, D.C., on June 21, 2011. Bond died Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015, in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. (Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post)

Monday, March 9, 2015

The First Day

Dear C,

You started daycare today, or "school" as we call it.  It was undoubtedly one of many firsts.  You seemed so confused by all the commotion going on around you, but you handled it like a champ.  You don't know this, but your father and I were a wreck.  You didn't cry when we left you.  You were more intrigued by the little wooden puzzle on the smallest table I've ever seen.  

You also don't know that we peeked in on you while you were napping.  Mom and dad will never not make sure you are safe and happy, but sometimes we will do it from a distance, when you aren't watching so you will feel free to be you.  

We were so proud when your teacher told us how great  you were doing, that you had a new friend, and that you love books.  I stood a little taller and prouder on that last point.  Of course you are a bookworm like mama.

Then around 2:30pm, I got a call that you were upset.  You had worked yourself up and were crying.  My heart broke.  I wanted to run back to pick you up. I wanted to save you.  It is so difficult, but I'm learning there are some things you will just have to do on your own.  I don't know how to let go and let you experience things on your own, but I know I need to.  What I also know, literally now and figuratively when you are older, is that at the end of the day, I will always be there to pick you up.  

I love you baby girl!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Self-Love: Mommy's Valentine's Day Gift

It was 8:15 at night, two days before Valentine's Day, and I was washing dishes when I realized I should have decorated the house for Valentine's Day. My daughter would have loved it. She would have loved shiny hearts all over the place, but I just didn't have the time to even think of decorating.  A wave of guilt came over me.  My poor baby was going to miss out.  Then, I decided, I am going to give myself a break.

My daughter is a happy baby, because she is surrounded by love.  She is full of giggles and smiles.  She will get over the house not being decorated for Valentine's Day.  A day of love and friendship isn't needed in our house, because we celebrate love and friendship every day.

I also reminded myself that even though I forgot to decorate for the hallmark holiday, there was a point this week where I was the closest thing to superwoman that exists.  I was answering a press inquiry, while dancing to entertain my kid and teaching her a word in Spanish.  I also reminded myself of the text message I got from my aunt after she saw me quoted in the newspaper.  Her text said, "your mom would be proud."  I reminded myself that for every one thing I didn't get done this week, there were ten things I did get done.  I decided I needed to give myself a present this V-Day.  I needed to give myself some self-love.

Mothers do not do this enough.  We are our own worst critics.  We hold ourselves to unreasonable standards.  We want what is best for our babies, but sometimes we forget that what is best for our children is to be healthy and happy ourselves.

I love my husband, I love my daughter, and this year, I am remembering to love myself too.

Happy Valentine's Day Mamas!