
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pre E

During this pregnancy I have read everything I can.  I have eaten healthy. I have watched my weight to make sure I’m gaining just the right amount.  I have stayed hydrated.  I have remained active, but stepped back when I was doing too much.  I have done everything I was supposed to do.  In spite of my dedication and my doctor’s A+ report card during visits (I’m an over achiever), I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. 

There are risk factors, but the actual cause of preeclampsia is unknown.  It can lead to premature birth, low birth weight and death in the fetus.  For the mother it can lead to liver or kidney problems, seizures, stroke and death.  Obviously, hearing this news was nerve wrecking.  Especially when the cure is delivering the baby and the placenta.  At 31 weeks, we weren’t quite ready for that.  The hospital doctor suggested we just take things day by day and monitor baby and me as closely as possible.  I count kicks (they haven’t slowed, she’s an active little one).  I take my blood pressure twice a day.  I try to make sure I rest when my body tells me to.  We also go to the hospital every three to four days for a non-stress test, where they monitor the baby and her heartbeats with movements and contractions.  They do ultrasounds once a week and we have doctor visits once a week.  This experience has reminded me, I can’t control everything, but I sure will do everything I can to make sure my baby is safe. 

Today, I left the hospital tired.  We got there at 5pm, right after work, and left around 8pm.  I was hungry and tired, and I complained about having to go back in a few days.  My husband reminded me how blessed we are.  We were leaving, and the results showed a healthy baby.  He said, “We can come here as often as they want us to, as long as we keep getting results like that.”  He was so right.  We are grateful for the great care I am getting and that so far a diagnosis has been the worst we have experienced.  As I said in my last post, “It’s going to take a lot of love, faith, and humor” to get through the coming weeks.  And when I lose my way, when I am too tired and hungry to be positive and up beat, on those days, I have my husband to remind me of what is important, and an active baby to remind me to have faith.   

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Love, Faith & Humor

It has been a rough couple of days of unexpected hospital visits, high blood pressure, medical exams and the first Braxton Hicks contractions (at least I think that’s what they were).  Needless to say mommy and daddy are a bit freaked out.  We are in uncharted territory here. 

My husband is worried about his baby.  He said it is such a new feeling to worry this much about someone.  I tell him not to worry, she’s my daughter so she is a fighter by nature.   I tell her, “Daddy doesn’t love anyone more than he loves you.”  To which my husband says, “Don’t tell her that, she will use it against me someday.”  I respond, “Again, she’s my daughter she’s intuitive by nature, she already knows.”

I foresee that it is going to take a lot of love, faith and humor to get through the next two months, but I would want my baby to be made of nothing less!

My backup husband,
Mr. Sanchez

Monday, August 19, 2013

He Held Her First

The three of us had fun together

As I go through this pregnancy, there is someone very important missing from my life.  The lack of my mom’s presence is obvious, and it is natural for me to miss her.  But I less often speak of my other missing piece.  My heart, my soulmate, my cousin Mikey, his absence is a lot more difficult for me to discuss.  Maybe it is because it is more recent; I just lost him two years ago.  Maybe it is because his absence is harder to process; I lost him to suicide.  He was only 17 years old. Nonetheless, I miss him everyday.  I used to tell him I loved him so much, that I didn’t think I would be able to love my own kids more.  And now, I’m here and I’m going to be a mom and in part of my heart there is a big empty hole that will never be filled. 

I was leaving from the hospital the other day, feeling all mommy-powered up, and I reached for my phone to call him.  Two years and I still have the habit of wanting to call him.  I know he would have loved my baby.  I know he would have loved to see my hubby and me as parents.  I know he would have been like a big brother or uncle to my baby.  And I’m sad that I won’t get to see that.

But as crazy as it sounds, I believe he held her first.  I believe he helped pick out my baby.  I imagine him chatting with God and my mom and saying, “she should have a girl,” knowing that a boy couldn’t replace him, and shouldn’t be expected to.  I imagine him holding her, and looking at her the way he looked at Isabella (our cousin).  I imagine him grinning and thinking “yes, this is Cristy’s baby.”   I imagine him thinking, a girl would give my husband more trouble and be more amusing.  It is no small coincidence that she is due the day after his birthday.  I know it sounds 100% crazy, but I have to believe it.  He won’t hold her on earth, but he held her first.  

Michael D. Hartman
October 23, 1993-May 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gratitude is the Attitude

3D/4D Ultrasound from

I have been feeling incredibly blessed the last couple of days.   Maybe it was seeing my baby at a 3D ultrasound or maybe it is hearing the stories of struggle other expecting parents are having, but I feel so grateful for the good and the bad that has come with this pregnancy.  Sometimes it is good to just take a moment and reflect. 

I’m grateful for morning sickness.  Many believe that morning sickness is the result of hormones.  Women who have morning sickness are less likely to miscarry.  It is unusual for a woman to have morning sickness as long as I have, but knowing my hormones are working to help this baby grow and to prepare my body for her birth is enough to make me grateful.  I’m also grateful, because they say morning sickness is worse with a girl.  I’m proud to be the mother of a powerful girl.
Our growing baby girl

I’m grateful for the pep-squad. I must be looking very pregnant these days, because throughout the day I find I’m getting little mini pep talks.  They range from “you go girl” to you "look beautiful." When you barely recognize the body staring back at you in the mirror, it is nice to know you still look gorgeous (or that people care enough to lie to you).

I’m grateful for the question “where are my feet?” My belly is protruding so much I can no longer see my feet.  But I know this means my baby is growing each day.  As much as I fear pushing her out, I want her to be a healthy weight.  I also notice that when I can see my feet, they are huge and not really the feet I remember.  One of the causes of this is a hormone that loosens the hips for labor.  I have a feeling I’m going to be especially grateful for that hormone in the near future. 

I’m grateful for my commute to work. The short walk to the train is now a long walk.  The train ride is hot and exhausting.  The baby moves the entire ride.  But I’m so grateful for that commute, because it means I have a job and I’m still well enough to make it in to work day in and day out. 

I’m grateful for the stairs to our second floor apartment, because at the top of that long climb I have a safe and comfortable home.  I also have a little nest to prepare for my baby. 

I’m grateful for dirty dishes.  No matter how hard it is to get motivated to wash them, they mean I’ve had nourishment to give to my baby.

I’m grateful for a new love of my life…sorry Hip Hop, she’s already stolen my heart!

She is smiling, because she knows
she has stolen my heart (and her daddy's too)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Resources for the Pregnant, Scared, & Clueless

These are some of the resources I have come across and most used while being pregnant.  I thought I would compile them and share.  I’m a big believer in sharing knowledge.  After all, knowledge is power.  I’m sure over the next few months I will be adding to this list.  In fact, I have a few books waiting for me at the library.  If you have knowledge to share please do so in the comment section below or message me and I can share the information.


Baby Center
  • Gives weekly updates on your body and the baby
  • Gives daily reminders or tips
  •  Has a Kick Tracker

What to Expect
  • Has a tracker with all the essential information:
    • How far along you are, what trimester you are in, the baby is as big as a ________, a countdown, and your estimated due date.
  • Gives weekly updates on your body and baby
  • Gives daily reminders or tips

The Bump
  •  Mainly I use this app for the “Is it Safe” section.  Especially in the first trimester I kept asking “is it safe…”


Due Date --  I love this one because it list everything by date. 

Weight Gain


What to pack

Breastfeeding Links

La Leche League

Breastfeeding Inc.

Kelly Mom

A friend recently sent me this link for a recipe that helps you produce milk

Baby Registry
  • Sometimes a little cheaper
  •  With Amazon Prime you can get free shipping
  • Also a good resource for your pregnancy needs like prenatal vitamins, sea bands, preggo pops, and ridiculous wrap-around-my-entire-body pillows

Babies R Us
  •  Can build your list online or in the store
  • Good for those who don’t like to bye online
  • Great return policy
  •  You get a nice little goodie bag and free bottles of water when you go into the store to register
  • Unique gifts
  • Support small businesses
  • Personalized gifts
  •  Downside:
    •  Limited quantity of items so when they sell out the item is no longer
    • They only have a wedding registry so you have to use that.  It might confuse people a bit.

Other Useful Links

Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

US Department of Labor/ Women’s Bureau
  •  I’ve been fortunate to have no issues in the work place regarding parental leave or nursing, but I have had other women ask me questions.  This is a resource I use to point them in the right direction.


What to Expect When You are Expecting
By Dr. Heidi Murkoff

A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Child Birth: Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives
By Deepak Chopra, M.D.


The Business of Being Born

What to Expect When you are Expecting – not really informational, but a good laugh is sometimes necessary, and trust me, you will be able to relate.